
A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and power...


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UIkit is a lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.

Homepage - Learn more about UIkit
@getuikit - Get the latest buzz on Twitter
Discord Chat - Join our developer chat on Discord.

UIkit is an Open Source project developed by YOOtheme.


Getting started

You have the following options to get UIkit:

- Download the latest release with pre-built CSS and JS.
- Install with npm to get all source files as they are available on GitHub:npm install uikit
- Install with yarn to get all source files as they are available on GitHub:yarn add uikit
- Directly load UIkit from jsDelivr: https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/uikit
- Clone the repo to get all source files including build scripts: git clone git@github.com:uikit/uikit.git


To always have the latest development version of UIkit, even before a release, you may want to use npm or yarn with the dev tag.

- Using npm: npm install uikit@dev
- Using yarn: yarn add uikit@dev
- Using cdn: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/uikit@dev


Finding bugs, sending pull requests or improving our docs - any contribution is welcome and highly appreciated. To get started, head over to our contribution guidelines. Thanks!


UIkit is maintained by using the Semantic Versioning Specification (SemVer).

Browser Support


Tested With

Copyright and License

Copyright YOOtheme GmbH under the MIT license.