
➷ A robust Javascript library for capturing keyboard input. It has no depen...



HotKeys.js is an input capture library with some very special features, it is easy to pick up and use, has a reasonable footprint (~3kb) (gzipped: 1.73kb), and has no dependencies. It should not interfere with any JavaScript libraries or frameworks. Official document demo preview. More examples.

  1. ```bash
  3.   ...    ........
  4.                 <   -__    __
  7. ```


You will need Node.js installed on your system.

  1. ```bash
  2. npm install hotkeys-js --save
  3. ```

  1. ```js
  2. import hotkeys from 'hotkeys-js';

  3. hotkeys('f5', function(event, handler){
  4.   // Prevent the default refresh event under WINDOWS system
  5.   event.preventDefault()
  6.   alert('you pressed F5!')
  7. });
  8. ```

Or manually download and link hotkeys.js in your HTML, It can also be downloaded via UNPKG:

  1. ```html
  2. <script src=""></script>
  3. <script type="text/javascript">
  4. hotkeys('ctrl+a,ctrl+b,r,f', function (event, handler){
  5.   switch (handler.key) {
  6.     case 'ctrl+a': alert('you pressed ctrl+a!');
  7.       break;
  8.     case 'ctrl+b': alert('you pressed ctrl+b!');
  9.       break;
  10.     case 'r': alert('you pressed r!');
  11.       break;
  12.     case 'f': alert('you pressed f!');
  13.       break;
  14.     default: alert(event);
  15.   }
  16. });
  17. </script>
  18. ```

Used in React

react-hotkeys is the React component that listen to keydown and keyup keyboard events, defining and dispatching keyboard shortcuts. Detailed use method please see its documentation react-hotkeys.

react-hotkeys-hook - React hook for using keyboard shortcuts in components. Make sure that you have at least version 16.8 of react and react-dom installed, or otherwise hooks won't work for you.

Browser Support

Hotkeys.js has been tested and should work in.

  1. ```shell
  2. Internet Explorer 6+
  3. Safari
  4. Firefox
  5. Chrome
  6. ```

Supported Keys

HotKeys understands the following modifiers: , shift, option, , alt, ctrl, control, command, and .

The following special keys can be used for shortcuts: backspace, tab, clear, enter, return, esc, escape, space, up, down, left, right, home, end, pageup, pagedown, del, delete, f1 through f19, num_0 through num_9, num_multiply, num_add, num_enter, num_subtract, num_decimal, num_divide.

Caps Lock(Capital)
fn Does not support fn
↩︎ return/Enter space

Defining Shortcuts

One global method is exposed, key which defines shortcuts when called directly.

  1. ```js
  2. hotkeys([keys:<String>], [option:[string|object|function]], [callback:<function>])
  3. ```

  1. ```js
  2. hotkeys('f5', function(event, handler) {
  3.   // Prevent the default refresh event under WINDOWS system
  4.   event.preventDefault();
  5.   alert('you pressed F5!');
  6. });

  7. // Returning false stops the event and prevents default browser events
  8. // Mac OS system defines `command + r` as a refresh shortcut
  9. hotkeys('ctrl+r, command+r', function() {
  10.   alert('stopped reload!');
  11.   return false;
  12. });

  13. // Single key
  14. hotkeys('a', function(event,handler){
  15.   //event.srcElement: input
  16.   // input
  17.   if( === "input"){
  18.       alert('you pressed a!')
  19.   }
  20.   alert('you pressed a!')
  21. });

  22. // Key Combination
  23. hotkeys('ctrl+a,ctrl+b,r,f', function (event, handler){
  24.   switch (handler.key) {
  25.     case 'ctrl+a': alert('you pressed ctrl+a!');
  26.       break;
  27.     case 'ctrl+b': alert('you pressed ctrl+b!');
  28.       break;
  29.     case 'r': alert('you pressed r!');
  30.       break;
  31.     case 'f': alert('you pressed f!');
  32.       break;
  33.     default: alert(event);
  34.   }
  35. });

  36. hotkeys('ctrl+a+s', function() {
  37.     alert('you pressed ctrl+a+s!');
  38. });

  39. // Using a scope
  40. hotkeys('*','wcj', function(event){
  41.   console.log('do something', event);
  42. });
  43. ```


- `scope`- `element`- `keyup`- `keydown`- `splitKey` (default is `+`)- `capture`

  1. ```js
  2. hotkeys('o, enter', {
  3.   scope: 'wcj',
  4.   element: document.getElementById('wrapper'),
  5. }, function(){
  6.   console.log('do something else');
  7. });

  8. hotkeys('ctrl-+', { splitKey: '-' }, function(e) {
  9.   console.log('you pressed ctrl and +');
  10. });

  11. hotkeys('+', { splitKey: '-' }, function(e){
  12.   console.log('you pressed +');
  13. })
  14. ```


key down and key up both perform callback events.

  1. ```js
  2. hotkeys('ctrl+a,alt+a+s', {keyup: true}, function(event, handler) {
  3.   if (event.type === 'keydown') {
  4.     console.log('keydown:', event.type, handler, handler.key);
  5.   }

  6.   if (event.type === 'keyup') {
  7.     console.log('keyup:', event.type, handler, handler.key);
  8.   }
  9. });
  10. ```


Asterisk "*"

Modifier key judgments

  1. ```js
  2. hotkeys('*', function() {
  3.   if (hotkeys.shift) {
  4.     console.log('shift is pressed!');
  5.   }

  6.   if (hotkeys.ctrl) {
  7.     console.log('ctrl is pressed!');
  8.   }

  9.   if (hotkeys.alt) {
  10.     console.log('alt is pressed!');
  11.   }

  12.   if (hotkeys.option) {
  13.     console.log('option is pressed!');
  14.   }

  15.   if (hotkeys.control) {
  16.     console.log('control is pressed!');
  17.   }

  18.   if (hotkeys.cmd) {
  19.     console.log('cmd is pressed!');
  20.   }

  21.   if (hotkeys.command) {
  22.     console.log('command is pressed!');
  23.   }
  24. });
  25. ```


Use the hotkeys.setScope method to set scope. There can only be one active scope besides 'all'.  By default 'all' is always active.

  1. ```js
  2. // Define shortcuts with a scope
  3. hotkeys('ctrl+o, ctrl+alt+enter', 'issues', function(){
  4.   console.log('do something');
  5. });
  6. hotkeys('o, enter', 'files', function(){
  7.   console.log('do something else');
  8. });

  9. // Set the scope (only 'all' and 'issues' shortcuts will be honored)
  10. hotkeys.setScope('issues'); // default scope is 'all'
  11. ```


Use the hotkeys.getScope method to get scope.

  1. ```js
  2. hotkeys.getScope();
  3. ```


Use the hotkeys.deleteScope method to delete a scope. This will also remove all associated hotkeys with it.

  1. ```js
  2. hotkeys.deleteScope('issues');
  3. ```
You can use second argument, if need set new scope after deleting.

  1. ```js
  2. hotkeys.deleteScope('issues', 'newScopeName');
  3. ```


Similar to defining shortcuts, they can be unbound using hotkeys.unbind.

  1. ```js
  2. // unbind 'a' handler
  3. hotkeys.unbind('a');

  4. // Unbind a hotkeys only for a single scope
  5. // If no scope is specified it defaults to the current scope (hotkeys.getScope())
  6. hotkeys.unbind('o, enter', 'issues');
  7. hotkeys.unbind('o, enter', 'files');
  8. ```

Unbind events through functions.

  1. ```js
  2. function example() {
  3.   hotkeys('a', example);
  4.   hotkeys.unbind('a', example);

  5.   hotkeys('a', 'issues', example);
  6.   hotkeys.unbind('a', 'issues', example);
  7. }
  8. ```

To unbind everything.

  1. ```js
  2. hotkeys.unbind();
  3. ```


For example, hotkeys.isPressed(77) is true if the M key is currently pressed.

  1. ```js
  2. hotkeys('a', function() {
  3.   console.log(hotkeys.isPressed('a')); //=> true
  4.   console.log(hotkeys.isPressed('A')); //=> true
  5.   console.log(hotkeys.isPressed(65)); //=> true
  6. });
  7. ```


  1. ```js
  2. hotkeys.trigger('ctrl+o');
  3. hotkeys.trigger('ctrl+o', 'scope2');
  4. ```


Returns an array of key codes currently pressed.

  1. ```js
  2. hotkeys('command+ctrl+shift+a,f', function(){
  3.   console.log(hotkeys.getPressedKeyCodes()); //=> [17, 65] or [70]
  4. })
  5. ```


Returns an array of key codes currently pressed.

  1. ```js
  2. hotkeys('command+ctrl+shift+a,f', function(){
  3.   console.log(hotkeys.getPressedKeyString()); //=> ['⌘', '⌃', '⇧', 'A', 'F']
  4. })
  5. ```


By default hotkeys are not enabled for INPUT SELECT TEXTAREA elements. Hotkeys.filter to return to the true shortcut keys set to play a role, false shortcut keys set up failure.

  1. ```js
  2. hotkeys.filter = function(event){
  3.   return true;
  4. }
  5. //How to add the filter to edit labels.
  6. //"contentEditable" Older browsers that do not support drops
  7. hotkeys.filter = function(event) {
  8.   var target = || event.srcElement;
  9.   var tagName = target.tagName;
  10.   return !(target.isContentEditable || tagName == 'INPUT' || tagName == 'SELECT' || tagName == 'TEXTAREA');
  11. }

  12. hotkeys.filter = function(event){
  13.   var tagName = ( || event.srcElement).tagName;
  14.   hotkeys.setScope(/^(INPUT|TEXTAREA|SELECT)$/.test(tagName) ? 'input' : 'other');
  15.   return true;
  16. }
  17. ```


Relinquish HotKeys’s control of the hotkeys variable.

  1. ```js
  2. var k = hotkeys.noConflict();
  3. k('a', function() {
  4.   console.log("do something")
  5. });

  6. hotkeys()
  7. // -->Uncaught TypeError: hotkeys is not a function(anonymous function)
  8. // @ VM2170:2InjectedScript._evaluateOn
  9. // @ VM2165:883InjectedScript._evaluateAndWrap
  10. // @ VM2165:816InjectedScript.evaluate @ VM2165:682
  11. ```


To develop, Install dependencies, Get the code:

  1. ```shell
  2. $ git
  3. $ cd hotkeys     # Into the directory
  4. $ npm install    # or  yarn install
  5. ```

To develop, run the self-reloading build:

  1. ```shell
  2. $ npm run watch
  3. ```

Run Document Website Environment.

  1. ```shell
  2. $ npm run doc
  3. ```

To contribute, please fork Hotkeys.js, add your patch and tests for it (in the test/ folder) and submit a pull request.

  1. ```shell
  2. $ npm run test
  3. $ npm run test:watch # Development model
  4. ```


As always, thanks to our amazing contributors!
