React Native Bottom Sheet

A performant interactive bottom sheet with fully configurable options


React Native Bottom Sheet

Reanimated v2 version Reanimated v1 version npm npm runs with expo All Contributors

A performant interactive bottom sheet with fully configurable options 🚀

React Native Bottom Sheet


- Modal presentation view, Bottom Sheet Modal.
- Smooth gesture interactions & snapping animations.
- Seamless keyboard handling for iOS & Android.
- Support pull to refresh for scrollables.
- Support FlatList, SectionList, ScrollView & View scrolling interactions.
- Compatible with Reanimated v1 & v2.
- Compatible with Expo.
- Accessibility support.
- Written in TypeScript.

Getting Started


This library been written in 2 versions of Reanimated, and kept both implementation in 2 separate branches:

- v2 | branch | changelog : written withReanimated v1 & compatible with Reanimated v2.

- v4 | branch | changelog : written withReanimated v2.

I highly recommend all v3 users to upgrade to v4 which provides more stability and all latest features.



Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

These people have helped to improve the library, but DO NOT maintain it.

Vojtech Novak



🐛 ⚠️

Sponsor & Support

To keep this library maintained and up-to-date please consider sponsoring it on GitHub. Or if you are looking for a private support or help in customizing the experience, then reach out to me on Twitter @gorhom.


Mo Gorhom Mo Gorhom