React Sortable Tree

Drag-and-drop sortable component for nested data and hierarchies


React Sortable Tree

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A React component for Drag-and-drop sortable representation of hierarchical data. Checkout the Storybook for a demonstration of some basic and advanced features.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Install react-sortable-tree using npm.

  1. ```sh
  2. # NPM
  3. npm install react-sortable-tree --save

  4. # YARN
  5. yarn add react-sortable-tree
  6. ```

ES6 and CommonJS builds are available with each distribution.
For example:

  1. ``` js
  2. // This only needs to be done once; probably during your application's bootstrapping process.
  3. import 'react-sortable-tree/style.css';

  4. // You can import the default tree with dnd context
  5. import SortableTree from 'react-sortable-tree';

  6. // Or you can import the tree without the dnd context as a named export. eg
  7. import { SortableTreeWithoutDndContext as SortableTree } from 'react-sortable-tree';

  8. // Importing from cjs (default)
  9. import SortableTree from 'react-sortable-tree/dist/index.cjs.js';
  10. import SortableTree from 'react-sortable-tree';

  11. // Importing from esm
  12. import SortableTree from 'react-sortable-tree/dist/index.esm.js';
  13. ```


  1. ``` js
  2. import React, { Component } from 'react';
  3. import SortableTree from 'react-sortable-tree';
  4. import 'react-sortable-tree/style.css'; // This only needs to be imported once in your app

  5. export default class Tree extends Component {
  6.   constructor(props) {
  7.     super(props);

  8.     this.state = {
  9.       treeData: [
  10.         { title: 'Chicken', children: [{ title: 'Egg' }] },
  11.         { title: 'Fish', children: [{ title: 'fingerline' }] },
  12.       ],
  13.     };
  14.   }

  15.   render() {
  16.     return (
  17.       <div style={{ height: 400 }}>
  18.         <SortableTree
  19.           treeData={this.state.treeData}
  20.           onChange={treeData => this.setState({ treeData })}
  21.         />
  22.       </div>
  23.     );
  24.   }
  25. }
  26. ```


| Prop | Type |
| :----------------------------- | :------------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| treeData
_(required)_ | object[] | Tree data with the following keys:
`title` is the primary label for the node.
`subtitle` is a secondary label for the node.
`expanded` shows children of the node if true, or hides them if false. Defaults to false.
`children` is an array of child nodes belonging to the node.
**Example**: `[{title: 'main', subtitle: 'sub'}, { title: 'value2', expanded: true, children: [{ title: 'value3') }] }]` || onChange
_(required)_ | func | Called whenever tree data changed. Just like with React input elements, you have to update your own component's data to see the changes reflected.
`( treeData: object[] ): void`
|| getNodeKey
_(recommended)_ | func | Specify the unique key used to identify each node and generate the `path` array passed in callbacks. With a setting of `getNodeKey={({ node }) =>}`, for example, in callbacks this will let you easily determine that the node with an `id` of `35` is (or has just become) a child of the node with an `id` of `12`, which is a child of ... and so on. It uses [`defaultGetNodeKey`]( by default, which returns the index in the tree (omitting hidden nodes).
`({ node: object, treeIndex: number }): string or number`
|| generateNodeProps | func | Generate an object with additional props to be passed to the node renderer. Use this for adding buttons via the `buttons` key, or additional `style` / `className` settings.
`({ node: object, path: number[] or string[], treeIndex: number, lowerSiblingCounts: number[], isSearchMatch: bool, isSearchFocus: bool }): object`
|| onMoveNode | func | Called after node move operation.
`({ treeData: object[], node: object, nextParentNode: object, prevPath: number[] or string[], prevTreeIndex: number, nextPath: number[] or string[], nextTreeIndex: number }): void`
|| onVisibilityToggle | func | Called after children nodes collapsed or expanded.
`({ treeData: object[], node: object, expanded: bool, path: number[] or string[] }): void`
|| onDragStateChanged | func | Called when a drag is initiated or ended.
`({ isDragging: bool, draggedNode: object }): void`
| maxDepth                       |     number     | Maximum depth nodes can be inserted at. Defaults to infinite.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| rowDirection                   |     string     | Adds row direction support if set to 'rtl' Defaults to 'ltr'.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
| canDrag | func or bool | Return false from callback to prevent node from dragging, by hiding the drag handle. Set prop to `false` to disable dragging on all nodes. Defaults to `true`.
`({ node: object, path: number[] or string[], treeIndex: number, lowerSiblingCounts: number[], isSearchMatch: bool, isSearchFocus: bool }): bool`
|| canDrop | func | Return false to prevent node from dropping in the given location.
`({ node: object, prevPath: number[] or string[], prevParent: object, prevTreeIndex: number, nextPath: number[] or string[], nextParent: object, nextTreeIndex: number }): bool`
| canNodeHaveChildren            |      func      | Function to determine whether a node can have children, useful for preventing hover preview when you have a canDrop condition. Default is set to a function that returns true. Functions should be of type (node): bool.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
| theme                          |     object     | Set an all-in-one packaged appearance for the tree. See the Themes section for more information.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
| searchMethod | func | The method used to search nodes. Defaults to [`defaultSearchMethod`](, which uses the `searchQuery` string to search for nodes with matching `title` or `subtitle` values. NOTE: Changing `searchMethod` will not update the search, but changing the `searchQuery` will.
`({ node: object, path: number[] or string[], treeIndex: number, searchQuery: any }): bool`
| searchQuery                    | string or any  | Used by the searchMethod to highlight and scroll to matched nodes. Should be a string for the default searchMethod, but can be anything when using a custom search. Defaults to null.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
| searchFocusOffset | number | Outline the <`searchFocusOffset`>th node and scroll to it. |
| onlyExpandSearchedNodes        |    boolean     | Only expand the nodes that match searches. Collapses all other nodes. Defaults to false.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         |
| searchFinishCallback | func | Get the nodes that match the search criteria. Used for counting total matches, etc.
`(matches: { node: object, path: number[] or string[], treeIndex: number }[]): void`
| dndType                        |     string     | String value used by react-dnd (see overview at the link) for dropTargets and dragSources types. If not set explicitly, a default value is applied by react-sortable-tree for you for its internal use.NOTE: Must be explicitly set and the same value used in order for correct functioning of external nodes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
| shouldCopyOnOutsideDrop | func or bool | Return true, or a callback returning true, and dropping nodes to react-dnd drop targets outside of the tree will not remove them from the tree. Defaults to `false`.
`({ node: object, prevPath: number[] or string[], prevTreeIndex: number, }): bool`
| reactVirtualizedListProps      |     object     | Custom properties to hand to the internal react-virtualized List                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
| style                          |     object     | Style applied to the container wrapping the tree (style defaults to {height: '100%'})                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
| innerStyle                     |     object     | Style applied to the inner, scrollable container (for padding, etc.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
| className                      |     string     | Class name for the container wrapping the tree                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
| rowHeight                      | number or func | Used by react-sortable-tree. Defaults to 62. Either a fixed row height (number) or a function that returns the height of a row given its index: ({ treeIndex: number, node: object, path: number[] or string[] }): number                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| slideRegionSize                |     number     | Size in px of the region near the edges that initiates scrolling on dragover. Defaults to 100.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
| scaffoldBlockPxWidth           |     number     | The width of the blocks containing the lines representing the structure of the tree. Defaults to 44.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
| isVirtualized                  |      bool      | Set to false to disable virtualization. Defaults to true. NOTE: Auto-scrolling while dragging, and scrolling to the searchFocusOffset will be disabled.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
| nodeContentRenderer            |      any       | Override the default component ([NodeRendererDefault]( for rendering nodes (but keep the scaffolding generator). This is a last resort for customization - most custom styling should be able to be solved with generateNodeProps, a theme or CSS rules. If you must use it, is best to copy the component in node-renderer-default.js to use as a base, and customize as needed.                                                                                                                                                     |
| placeholderRenderer            |      any       | Override the default placeholder component ([PlaceholderRendererDefault]( which is displayed when the tree is empty. This is an advanced option, and in most cases should probably be solved with a theme or custom CSS instead.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |

Data Helper Functions

Need a hand turning your flat data into nested tree data?
Want to perform add/remove operations on the tree data without creating your own recursive function?
Check out the helper functions exported from [tree-data-utils.js](

- getTreeFromFlatData: Convert flat data (like that from a database) into nested tree data.
- getFlatDataFromTree: Convert tree data back to flat data.
- addNodeUnderParent: Add a node under the parent node at the given path.
- removeNode: For a given path, get the node at that path, treeIndex, and the treeData with that node removed.
- removeNodeAtPath: For a given path, remove the node and return the treeData.
- changeNodeAtPath: Modify the node object at the given path.
- map: Perform a change on every node in the tree.
- walk: Visit every node in the tree in order.
- getDescendantCount: Count how many descendants this node has.
- getVisibleNodeCount: Count how many visible descendants this node has.
- **`getVisibleNodeInfoAtIndex`**: Get the th visible node in the tree data.
- toggleExpandedForAll: Expand or close every node in the tree.
- getNodeAtPath: Get the node at the input path.
- insertNode: Insert the input node at the specified depth and minimumTreeIndex.
- find: Find nodes matching a search query in the tree.
- isDescendant: Check if a node is a descendant of another node.
- getDepth: Get the longest path in the tree.


Using the theme prop along with an imported theme module, you can easily override the default appearance with another standard one.

Featured themes

| ![File Explorer Theme]( | Full Node Drag Theme | MINIMAL THEME |
| :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
|                                                                            File Explorer                                                                             |                                                                             Full Node Drag                                                                             |                                                   Minimalistic theme inspired from MATERIAL UI                                                   |
|                                                                 react-sortable-tree-theme-file-explorer                                                                  |                                                                  react-sortable-tree-theme-full-node-drag                                                                  |                                                          react-sortable-tree-theme-minimal                                                           |
| Github \| NPM | Github \| NPM | Github \| NPM |

Help Wanted - As the themes feature has just been enabled, there are very few (only _two_ at the time of this writing) theme modules available. If you've customized the appearance of your tree to be especially cool or easy to use, I would be happy to feature it in this readme with a link to the Github repo and NPM page if you convert it to a theme. You can use my file explorer theme repo as a template to plug in your own stuff.

Browser Compatibility

| Browser | Works? |
| :------ | :----- |
| Chrome  | Yes    |
| Firefox | Yes    |
| Safari  | Yes    |
| IE 11   | Yes    |


If it throws "TypeError: fn is not a function" errors in production

This issue may be related to an ongoing incompatibility between UglifyJS and Webpack's behavior. See an explanation at create-react-app#2376.

The simplest way to mitigate this issue is by adding comparisons: false to your Uglify config as seen here:

If it doesn't work with other components that use react-dnd

react-dnd only allows for one DragDropContext at a time (see: To get around this, you can import the context-less tree component via SortableTreeWithoutDndContext.

  1. ``` js
  2. // before
  3. import SortableTree from 'react-sortable-tree';

  4. // after
  5. import { SortableTreeWithoutDndContext as SortableTree } from 'react-sortable-tree';
  6. ```


Please read the Code of Conduct. I actively welcome pull requests :)

After cloning the repository and running yarn install inside, you can use the following commands to develop and build the project.

  1. ```sh
  2. # Starts a webpack dev server that hosts a demo page with the component.
  3. # It uses react-hot-loader so changes are reflected on save.
  4. yarn start

  5. # Start the storybook, which has several different examples to play with.
  6. # Also hot-reloaded.
  7. yarn run storybook

  8. # Runs the library tests
  9. yarn test

  10. # Lints the code with eslint
  11. yarn run lint

  12. # Lints and builds the code, placing the result in the dist directory.
  13. # This build is necessary to reflect changes if you're
  14. # `npm link`-ed to this repository from another local project.
  15. yarn run build
  16. ```

Pull requests are welcome!
