
Connect, gRPC, and gRPC-Web support for Protobuf and TypeScript.


Connect for ECMAScript

Connect is a family of libraries for building type-safe APIs with different languages and platforms.
@bufbuild/connect brings them to TypeScript,
the web browser, and to Node.js.

With Connect, you define your schema first:

  1. ```
  2. service ElizaService {
  3.   rpc Say(SayRequest) returns (SayResponse) {}
  4. }
  5. ```

And with the magic of code generation, this schema produces servers and clients:

  1. ```ts
  2. const answer = await eliza.say({sentence: "I feel happy."});
  3. console.log(answer);
  4. // {sentence: 'When you feel happy, what do you do?'}
  5. ```

Unlike REST, the Remote Procedure Call are type-safe, but they are regular HTTP
under the hood. You can see all requests in the network inspector, and you
can curl them if you want:

  1. ```shell
  2. curl \
  3.     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  4.     --data '{"sentence": "I feel happy."}' \
  6. ```

Connect uses Protobuf-ES, the only
fully-compliant Protobuf JavaScript library.

Connect implements RPC three protocols: The widely available gRPC and
gRPC-web protocols, and Connect's own protocol,
optimized for the web. This gives you unparalleled interoperability across many
platforms and languages, with type-safety end-to-end.

Get started on the web

Follow our 10 minute tutorial where
we use Vite and React to create a
web interface for ELIZA.

React, Svelte, Vue, Next.js and Angular are supported (see examples),
and we have an expansion pack for TanStack Query.
We support all modern web browsers that implement the widely available
and the Encoding API.

Get started on Node.js

to spin up a service in Node.js, and call it from the web, and from a gRPC client
in your terminal.

You can serve your Connect RPCs with vanilla Node.js, or use our server plugins
for Fastify, Next.js, and Express. We support Node.js v16 and later with
the builtin http and http2 modules.

Other platforms

Would you like to use Connect on other platforms like Bun, Deno, Vercel’s Edge Runtime,
or Cloudflare Workers? We’d love to learn about your use cases and what you’d like to do
with Connect. You can reach us either through the Buf Slack
or by filing a GitHub issue and we’d
be more than happy to chat!


  RPC clients and servers for your schema (source code).
  Code generator plugin for the services in your schema (source code).
  Adapters for web browsers, and any other platform that has the fetch API on board.
  Serve RPCs on vanilla Node.js servers. Call RPCs with any protocol.
  Plug your services into a Fastify server.
  Serve your RPCs with Next.js API routes.
  Adds your services to an Express server.

The libraries and the generated code are compatible with ES2017 and TypeScript 4.1.


  Examples for using Connect with various TypeScript web frameworks and tooling
  TypeScript-first expansion pack for TanStack Query that gives you Protobuf superpowers
  Idiomatic gRPC & Connect RPCs for Swift.
  Go implementation of gRPC, gRPC-Web, and Connect
  Example RPC service powering and built with connect-go
  gRPC-Web and Connect interoperability tests
Buf Studio: web UI for ad-hoc RPCs


This project is a beta: we rely on it in production, but we may make a few
changes as we gather feedback from early adopters. Join us on Slack
or see the roadmap discussion for details.