
Terminal string styling done right



Terminal string styling done right

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- Expressive API
- Highly performant
- No dependencies
- Ability to nest styles
- Auto-detects color support
- Doesn't extend String.prototype
- Clean and focused
- Actively maintained
- Used by ~86,000 packages as of October 4, 2022


  1. ```sh
  2. npm install chalk
  3. ```

IMPORTANT: Chalk 5 is ESM. If you want to use Chalk with TypeScript or a build tool, you will probably want to use Chalk 4 for now. Read more.


  1. ```js
  2. import chalk from 'chalk';

  3. console.log('Hello world!'));
  4. ```

Chalk comes with an easy to use composable API where you just chain and nest the styles you want.

  1. ```js
  2. import chalk from 'chalk';

  3. const log = console.log;

  4. // Combine styled and normal strings
  5. log('Hello') + ' World' +'!'));

  6. // Compose multiple styles using the chainable API
  7. log('Hello world!'));

  8. // Pass in multiple arguments
  9. log('Hello', 'World!', 'Foo', 'bar', 'biz', 'baz'));

  10. // Nest styles
  11. log('Hello', chalk.underline.bgBlue('world') + '!'));

  12. // Nest styles of the same type even (color, underline, background)
  13. log(
  14. 'I am a green line ' +
  15.'with a blue substring') +
  16. ' that becomes green again!'
  17. ));

  18. // ES2015 template literal
  19. log(`
  20. CPU: ${'90%')}
  21. RAM: ${'40%')}
  22. DISK: ${chalk.yellow('70%')}
  23. `);

  24. // Use RGB colors in terminal emulators that support it.
  25. log(chalk.rgb(123, 45, 67).underline('Underlined reddish color'));
  26. log(chalk.hex('#DEADED').bold('Bold gray!'));
  27. ```

Easily define your own themes:

  1. ```js
  2. import chalk from 'chalk';

  3. const error =;
  4. const warning = chalk.hex('#FFA500'); // Orange color

  5. console.log(error('Error!'));
  6. console.log(warning('Warning!'));
  7. ```

Take advantage of console.log string substitution:

  1. ```js
  2. import chalk from 'chalk';

  3. const name = 'Sindre';
  4. console.log('Hello %s'), name);
  5. //=> 'Hello Sindre'
  6. ```


### chalk.`