
A lightweight 3D game engine for the web.



A lightweight 3D game engine for the web. Built with three.js and cannon-es.

⚛️ Physics - Full integration with a 3D rigid-body physics engine.
🔌 Entity Component System - Write efficent and extendable code.
🔊 Sound - 3D positional sounds built on the Web Audio API.
📜 Scripts - Design game behaviors in JavaScript.
⚡ Performance - Taro is a thin framework on top of three.js.


You can find the Taro documentation on the website.


There are several examples on the website. Here is an example to get started:
  1. ``` js
  2. var app = new TARO.App();
  3. document.body.appendChild( app.domElement );

  4. var scene = new TARO.Scene();
  5. app.setScene(scene);

  6. class CubeController {
  7.   init() {
  8.     // fires when the component is attached to an entity
  9.     this.rotation = this.entity.rotation;
  10.   }

  11.   update() {
  12.     // fires once per frame
  13.     this.rotation.x += 0.01;
  14.     this.rotation.y += 0.01;
  15.   }
  16. }

  17. TARO.registerComponent('cubeController', CubeController);

  18. var cube = new TARO.Entity('cube');
  19. cube.addComponent('material', { color: 0x00ff00 });
  20. cube.addComponent('geometry', { type: 'box' });
  21. cube.addComponent('cubeController');

  22. var camera = new TARO.Entity('camera');
  23. camera.position.z = 5;
  24. camera.addComponent('camera');

  25. app.start();
  26. ```

This example will display a spinning cube on the canvas.


* (ESM)* (UMD)* (UMD minified)


In addition to the engine, there is a visual editor available to get a taste of Taro.
