SQL Parser

Parse simple SQL statements into an abstract syntax tree (AST) with the vis...


Nodejs SQL Parser

Parse simple SQL statements into an abstract syntax tree (AST) with the visited tableList, columnList and convert it back to SQL.

:star: Features

- support multiple sql statement seperate by semicolon
- support select, delete, update and insert type
- support drop, truncate and rename command
- output the table and column list that the sql visited with the corresponding authority
- support various databases engine

:tada: Install

From npmjs

  1. ```bash
  2. npm install node-sql-parser --save

  3. or

  4. yarn add node-sql-parser
  5. ```

  1. ```bash
  2. npm install @taozhi8833998/node-sql-parser --registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com/
  3. ```

From Browser

Import the JS file in your page:

  1. ```javascript
  2. // support all database parser, but file size is about 750K
  3. <script src="https://unpkg.com/node-sql-parser/umd/index.umd.js"></script>

  4. // or you can import specified database parser only, it's about 150K

  5. <script src="https://unpkg.com/node-sql-parser/umd/mysql.umd.js"></script>

  6. <script src="https://unpkg.com/node-sql-parser/umd/postgresql.umd.js"></script>
  7. ```
- NodeSQLParser object is on window

  1. ```html
  2. <!DOCTYPE html>
  3. <html lang="en" >
  4.   <head>
  5.     <title>node-sql-parser</title>
  6.     <meta charset="utf-8" />
  7.   </head>
  8.   <body>
  9.     <p><em>Check console to see the output</em></p>
  10.     <script src="https://unpkg.com/node-sql-parser/umd/mysql.umd.js"></script>
  11.     <script>
  12.       window.onload = function () {
  13.         // Example parser
  14.         const parser = new NodeSQLParser.Parser()
  15.         const ast = parser.astify("select id, name from students where age < 18")
  16.         console.log(ast)
  17.         const sql = parser.sqlify(ast)
  18.         console.log(sql)
  19.       }
  20.     </script>
  21.   </body>
  22. </html>
  23. ```

:rocket: Usage

Supported Database SQL Syntax

- Athena
- BigQuery
- DB2
- Hive
- MariaDB
- PostgresQL
- Redshift
- Sqlite
- TransactSQL
- Snowflake(alpha)
- New issue could be made for other new database.

Create AST for SQL statement

  1. ```javascript
  2. // import Parser for all databases
  3. const { Parser } = require('node-sql-parser');
  4. const parser = new Parser();
  5. const ast = parser.astify('SELECT * FROM t'); // mysql sql grammer parsed by default

  6. console.log(ast);
  7. ```

- ast for SELECT * FROM t

  1. ```json
  2. {
  3.   "with": null,
  4.   "type": "select",
  5.   "options": null,
  6.   "distinct": null,
  7.   "columns": "*",
  8.   "from": [
  9.     {
  10.       "db": null,
  11.       "table": "t",
  12.       "as": null
  13.     }
  14.   ],
  15.   "where": null,
  16.   "groupby": null,
  17.   "having": null,
  18.   "orderby": null,
  19.   "limit": null
  20. }
  21. ```

Get node location in the AST

  1. ```javascript
  2. const { Parser } = require('node-sql-parser');
  3. const parser = new Parser();
  4. const ast = parser.astify('SELECT * FROM t', { parseOptions: { includeLocations: true } });

  5. console.log(ast);
  6. ```

- ast for SELECT * FROM t with the loc property indicating locations and ranges

  1. ```json
  2. {
  3.   "with": null,
  4.   "type": "select",
  5.   "options": null,
  6.   "distinct": null,
  7.   "columns": [
  8.     {
  9.       "expr": {
  10.         "type": "column_ref",
  11.         "table": null,
  12.         "column": "*"
  13.       },
  14.       "as": null,
  15.       "loc": {
  16.         "start": {
  17.           "offset": 7,
  18.           "line": 1,
  19.           "column": 8
  20.         },
  21.         "end": {
  22.           "offset": 8,
  23.           "line": 1,
  24.           "column": 9
  25.         }
  26.       }
  27.     }
  28.   ],
  29.   "into": {
  30.     "position": null
  31.   },
  32.   "from": [
  33.     {
  34.       "db": null,
  35.       "table": "t",
  36.       "as": null,
  37.       "loc": {
  38.         "start": {
  39.           "offset": 14,
  40.           "line": 1,
  41.           "column": 15
  42.         },
  43.         "end": {
  44.           "offset": 15,
  45.           "line": 1,
  46.           "column": 16
  47.         }
  48.       }
  49.     }
  50.   ],
  51.   "where": null,
  52.   "groupby": null,
  53.   "having": null,
  54.   "orderby": null,
  55.   "limit": null,
  56.   "locking_read": null,
  57.   "window": null,
  58.   "loc": {
  59.     "start": {
  60.       "offset": 0,
  61.       "line": 1,
  62.       "column": 1
  63.     },
  64.     "end": {
  65.       "offset": 15,
  66.       "line": 1,
  67.       "column": 16
  68.     }
  69.   }
  70. }
  71. ```