Mantine React Table

A fully featured Mantine V5 implementation of TanStack React Table V8, fork...


Mantine React Table

View the Docs Site

V1 released July 18, 2023


_Quickly Create React Data Tables with Mantine_

### __Built with [Mantine V7]( and [TanStack Table V8](


Learn More

- Join the Discord server to join in on the development discussion or ask questions
- View the Docs Website

Quick Examples

- Basic Table (See Default Features)
- Minimal Table (Turn off Features like Pagination, Sorting, Filtering, and Toolbars)
- Advanced Table (See some of the Advanced Features)
- Aggregation/Grouping (Aggregation features such as Sum, Average, Count, etc.)
- Data Export Table (Export to CSV, Excel, etc.)
- Editing CRUD Table (Create, Edit, and Delete Rows)
- Remote Data (Server-side Pagination, Sorting, and Filtering)
- React Query (Server-side Pagination, Sorting, and Filtering, simplified)
- Virtualized Rows (10,000 rows at once!)
- Infinite Scrolling (Fetch data as you scroll)
- Localization (i18n) (Over a dozen languages built-in)

View additional storybook examples

Getting Started


View the full Installation Docs

1. Ensure that you have React 17 or later installed

2. Install Peer Dependencies (Mantine V6 and Tabler Icons)

  1. ```bash
  2. npm install @mantine/core @mantine/hooks @mantine/dates @emotion/react @tabler/icons-react dayjs
  3. ```

3. Install mantine-react-table

  1. ```bash
  2. npm install mantine-react-table
  3. ```

_@tanstack/react-table, @tanstack/react-virtual, @tanstack/match-sorter-utils,_ are internal dependencies, so you do NOT need to install them yourself.


Read the full usage docs here

  1. ```jsx
  2. import { useMemo, useState, useEffect } from 'react';
  3. import { MantineReactTable, useMantineReactTable } from 'mantine-react-table';

  4. const data = [
  5.   {
  6.     name: 'John',
  7.     age: 30,
  8.   },
  9.   {
  10.     name: 'Sara',
  11.     age: 25,
  12.   },
  13. ]

  14. export default function App() {
  15.   const columns = useMemo(
  16.     () => [
  17.       {
  18.         accessorKey: 'name', //simple recommended way to define a column
  19.         header: 'Name',
  20.         mantineTableHeadCellProps: { style: { color: 'green' } }, //optional custom props
  21.         Cell: ({ cell }) => <span>{cell.getValue()}</span>, //optional custom cell render
  22.       },
  23.       {
  24.         accessorFn: (row) => row.age, //alternate way
  25.         id: 'age', //id required if you use accessorFn instead of accessorKey
  26.         header: 'Age',
  27.         Header: () => <i>Age</i>, //optional custom header render
  28.       },
  29.     ],
  30.     [],
  31.   );

  32.   //optionally, you can manage any/all of the table state yourself
  33.   const [rowSelection, setRowSelection] = useState({});

  34.   useEffect(() => {
  35.     //do something when the row selection changes
  36.   }, [rowSelection]);

  37.   const table = useMantineReactTable({
  38.     columns,
  39.     data,
  40.     enableColumnOrdering: true, //enable some features
  41.     enableRowSelection: true,
  42.     enablePagination: false, //disable a default feature
  43.     onRowSelectionChange: setRowSelection, //hoist row selection state to your state
  44.     state: { rowSelection },
  45.   });
  47.   return <MantineReactTable table={table} />;
  48. }
  49. ```

_Open in Code Sandbox_


PRs are Welcome, but please discuss in GitHub Discussions or the Discord Server first if it is a large change!

Read the Contributing Guide to learn how to run this project locally.