Terra Draw

Cross provider map drawing library, supporting Mapbox, MapLibre, Google Map...


Terra Draw

Frictionless map drawing across mapping libraries.

Terra Draw centralizes map drawing logic and provides a host of out-of-the-box drawing modes that work across different JavaScript mapping libraries. It also allows you to bring your own modes!

An example of drawing geodesic lines using Terra Draw with Leaflet

Library Support

Terra Draw uses the concept of 'adapters' to allow it to work with a host of different mapping libraries. Currently supported are:

- Leaflet v1
- MapLibre v2/v3
- ArcGIS JavaScript SDK v4 (MapView)

Getting Started

Please see the the getting started guide - this provides a host of information on how to get up and running with Terra Draw. You may also find some useful pointers for things you may be finding yourself wanting to do in the common patterns guide.



Project Website

You can check out the official Terra Draw website at terradraw.io. If you are interested in contributing to the website please see this repository.
